Search Results - environmental+remediation

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Electrochemical System and Method for the Removal of Charged Species from Contaminated Liquid and Solid Wastes (Technology #: 041095-01)
SUMMARY An electrokinetic system and method are provided for removing charged species from a sample in which said charged species is commingled with at least one radionuclide. The apparatus comprises an anode compartment comprising an anode, a cathode compartment comprising a cathode, and a treatment zone in fluid communication with the anode and cathode...
Published: 8/2/2021   |   Inventor(s): J. Kenneth Wittle, Sibel Pamukcu
Keywords(s): Environmental Remediation, Waste Product Removal
Category(s): Energy and Environment
Use of Soy Proteins or Soy Derivatives and Zero-Valent Iron for Environmental Remediation
SUMMARY Lehigh has developed a novel material for the treatment of contaminated water and soil. The method for the preparation of such materials involves the dispersion of zero-valance nanoscale iron particles and use of either soy protein, soy milk, or other soy derivatives. These particles have large surface areas, giving them increased reactivity...
Published: 8/2/2021   |   Inventor(s): Wei-Xian Zhang
Keywords(s): Environmental Remediation, Nanotechnology, Pollution Control, Water Treatment
Category(s): Energy and Environment
A Method for Treating Contaminated Water
SUMMARY The given technology is a method for the treatment of wastewater. Zero valent iron particles having enhanced surface area are used to treat contaminated groundwater in-situ or above ground. Hollow and/or porous zero valent iron particles having a generally spherical shape and porous surface are produced using a sacrificial substrate and thermal...
Published: 8/2/2021   |   Inventor(s): Wei-Xian Zhang
Keywords(s): Environmental Remediation, Nanotechnology, Water Treatment
Category(s): Gas/Liquid Treatment
Dispersed Zero-Valent Iron Colloids
SUMMARY Stable dispersions of zero-valent iron particles are produced by milling of micro- and nano-scale iron particles (colloids) in the presence of a dispersant or dispersants. The present invention is a process for preparing zero-valent iron suspensions which can be used directly at the source of the pollution, applied to deep aquifers, and spread...
Published: 8/2/2021   |   Inventor(s): Wei-Xian Zhang
Keywords(s): Environmental Remediation, Nanotechnology, Water Treatment
Category(s): Energy and Environment
Rapid Sensing of Toxic Metals with a New Hybrid Inorganic Material (HIM) Through pH Changes
SUMMARY Lehigh University has developed a toxic metal detection device for use with potentially contaminated water. The sensor uses hybrid inorganic materials for simple and quick detection of heavy metals. The technology is essential for a number of applications, such as mining frac water, remote testing for poorly accessible regions and is particularly...
Published: 9/9/2021   |   Inventor(s): Arup Sengupta, Prasun Chatterjee
Keywords(s): Environmental Remediation, Heavy Metals, Nanotechnology, Pollution Control, Sensor
Category(s): Energy and Environment